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Why should you get your dog groomed?

Hygiene and Smell

Of course one of the most obvious benefits of getting your dog groomed are the hygiene benefits. Cleaning and brushing away all that dead skin and buildup can do wonders to your dog’s hygiene and smell. A stinky dog is enough to make any dog owner grumble, so why not take them to the groomer for a bit of a freshen up? Your nose will thank you!


Flea and Ticks

Fleas and ticks are unfortunately an inevitability that comes with owning a dog. A benefit of going to a groomer is they will be able to check for ticks, fleas and their eggs. Regular washing, brushing, and clipping of fur will help in ceasing the growth of fleas and ticks attaching. We also have special shampoo that kills them.

Skin and Health

If you start going to a groomer regularly, they’ll become familiar with your dog and if there are any abnormalities. These could include bumps and lumps that you’ve perhaps missed during a brushing session. Detecting these issues early on is key in stopping the spread of any serious condition.

Ear Infections

Getting rid of the gunk and buildup in your dog’s ears is important in preventing any ear infections.Ear infections are one of the leading causes of dog deafness, so getting their ears checked regularly will help to maintain their hearing.

Healthy Coat

Regardless of your dog’s breed or hair length, taking your dog to the groomer to get washed and brushed will help with the condition and quality of their coat. Just brushing alone helps to remove dead skin, dirt and anything else lurking. It also helps to spread the natural oils over their coat, making it appear shinier and healthier.

Nail Trims

Trimming your dog’s nails is often overlooked but is an essential part of your dog’s well being. Nails that grow too long can be uncomfortable for your dog to walk on. They may change their posture to better accommodate longer nails. This can create larger problems if left untreated.


If your dog has medium-long fur, it is highly likely that they will develop matts. Matts occur when the fur becomes bunched and entwined. Left untreated these matts can grow large and pull aggressively on the skin. If these are in sensitive areas or are tight, they can give your dog a lot of discomfort. Regular brushing and grooming eliminate the chances of matts developing. In some cases, your groomer may have to trim the matts out.

Your dog will look and feel better

Now aside from all the obvious health benefits to your dog from a regular grooming session, one of the main benefits is that they’ll actually look better! An unkept appearance can reflect poorly on you as the owner, so making sure they look neat and tidy can be better for you too!

Why Choose Shampoochie.

see what our clients have to say.

"Took my 110lb german shepherd to them. They not only made him ĺook fantastic but they said he let them trim his nails with no problem. My vet can never trim his nails without me holding him. Definitely recommend."


“Our aussiedoodle is a tough groom and he always looks fantastic! Highly recommend! Best rates around!"


"Wonderful!! Can't say enough about how our goldendoodle looks. Very patient with our rambunctious seven month puppy. Highly recommended!!"


"Definitely recommend this amazing company! They did such a good job with our doggos who we weren’t able to get groomed for a bit. We will definitely be returning!"


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